
Certification on R-Programming

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Course Features

  • Enrolled : 140 students
  • Duration : 92 Mins
  • No. of Videos: 34
  • Categories: eLearning
  • Certification: Yes
  • Access:Lifetime
  • Type:Animated Video Series
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R programming has a growing demand in the field of data science.

Start your R programming learning journey at Just 99 Rs with our R Programming for Data Professionals course.

This 12-module course covers essential concepts like data manipulation, visualization, and statistical analysis using R.

Why Learn R?

•Open-Source and Free: R is freely available and has a large, active community.

•Powerful Data Visualization: Create stunning visualizations with R's rich ecosystem of packages.

•High Demand and Career Opportunities: R skills are in high demand in the data science industry.

•Data-Driven Decision Making: Use R to extract insights from data and make informed decisions.

Enroll in our affordable course (just ₹99) and unlock the power of R programming.

Certification on R-Programming